1. In general, if you want to complain about the products or services of the bank, the parties concerned should contact the bank first, which will give the bank a chance to solve the complaint as soon as possible. All commercial banks have channels and procedures for accepting customer complaints, so as to conduct a comprehensive and timely investigation of customer complaints and solve them satisfactorily. Banks should also explain the complaint procedures to customers;
2. If you are not satisfied with the handling of the complaint by the bank, or if the bank fails to give a final reply within the agreed time after receiving the complaint, the parties concerned may seek help from the CBRC, and the complaint to the CBRC shall be made in written form, with details of the complaint event and nature, the complainant's name and contact information;
3. If you want to report the illegal acts of banking financial institutions in their business and services, you can appeal to the Banking Regulatory Bureau in writing. Generally speaking, the banking regulatory bureau cannot accept oral reports or anonymous reports. If you can solve the problem through the complaint channel of the bank, that's the best, because the bank will also have an assessment on complaint handling.
: Article 34 of the People's Bank of China Law of the People's Republic of China Legal basis: Article 34 of the People's Bank of China Law of the People's Republic of China.
In order to maintain financial stability, with the approval of the State Council, the People's Bank of China has the right to inspect and supervise banking financial institutions when they encounter payment difficulties that may lead to financial risks.
Article 35
The People's Bank of China has the right to require banking financial institutions to submit necessary balance sheets, profit and loss statements and other financial accounting, statistical statements and materials according to the needs of performing their duties.
The People's Bank of China shall establish a supervision and management information sharing mechanism with the banking supervision institution in the State Council and other financial supervision institutions in the State Council.