Just as people need to make a house purchase budget before buying a house, when applying for a commercial loan, buyers should know that the more loans, the better, because the more you have, the greater your monthly repayment pressure will be. Once you can't repay the loan on time, you are likely to fall into an embarrassing situation of losing both money and house. Therefore, when applying, we must objectively analyze our economic strength and choose the appropriate mortgage amount.
Second, choose a good loan bank
Whether applying for provident fund loans or commercial loans, in short, it should be remembered that when choosing a loan bank, the mortgage interest rate is not the only criterion, but also the ease of lending should be considered. If your loan application information is not perfect, then give up the low mortgage interest rate when applying for commercial loans and choose a bank with relatively loose approval as the loan bank.
Third, the repayment method should be appropriate
When buying a house with a commercial loan, buyers must clearly realize the problem that buying a house with a loan is not finished with the down payment, and you still have a long way to go to repay the loan. Therefore, when you buy a house with a commercial loan, you must choose the appropriate repayment method, such as choosing average capital or matching principal and interest, and choosing the mortgage period of 1, 2 or 3 years.
Fourth, prepare the loan application materials in advance
Whether you buy a house or apply for a commercial loan, in short, you must be prepared before this. For example, when applying for a commercial loan, in order to reduce the risk of default by the borrower, the bank often requires the borrower to provide a lot of information, generally including personal identity information, proof of income flow and so on.
Personal identity information, proof of income flow, etc. all need to be true and correct, and they must be submitted at one time. If you can't prepare the relevant information at one time, it will inevitably affect the efficiency of your mortgage approval.
5. Pay attention to the time of lending
After completing the loan procedures, don't think that it's over. In fact, you have to wait for the bank to lend, but when waiting for the bank to lend, you should pay attention to: in the process of real estate transaction, if the buyer's mortgage approval is too slow, the house payment will be overdue, so the buyer will be in breach of contract and bear the corresponding responsibilities, so we must pay attention to the lending time.