When the credit limit of a customer's credit card can't meet the consumption demand, you can apply to our bank to adjust the temporary or permanent credit limit, and our bank will adjust it according to your credit status and card usage, so as to fully enjoy the convenience of flexible credit limit. Credit limit adjustment can be applied through our credit card center 4006695599, branch counters, online banking, palmtop banking and WeChat banking.
The method of adjusting credit card limit in personal online banking;
1. Fashion users: log in to Fashion Online Banking and click "Credit Card"->; "settings"->; "Quota adjustment", select temporary quota or permanent quota.
2. Classic users: after logging in to personal online banking, click "Return to Classic Edition" in the upper left corner of the page and click "Credit Card"-> "account management"->; "Temporary quota adjustment application" (permanent quota adjustment application is not supported at present).
Tips: The applied temporary quota is valid for at most 2 months, and the system will automatically adjust it to the original quota when it expires. Due to the reasons related to the cooperation unit, the online banking channels for adjusting the quota of local products such as Jinsui Huitong Card, Wenzhou Merchant Card, Life Music Card, Budget Unit Official Card, Armed Police (Army) Official Card, College Student Card and Suzhou Merchant Card do not support the application temporarily.