Do you have a credit card? What's your monthly income now? If it is more than 3000 yuan, you can take out a credit loan. Just need an ID card and a credit report. The general loan amount shall not exceed 15w. I wonder if I can satisfy you?
Three, Zhengzhou commercial loans to provident fund loan conditions
Legal subjectivity:
According to the relevant policies and regulations of China's provident fund, citizens who want to apply for a business-to-public loan should meet the following six conditions: 1. Pay the housing accumulation fund normally in the local area. 2. The loan business only accepts the original housing loan. Applicants need to confirm to the bank that their housing loan has not been paid off. 4. The applicant shall ensure that the original commercial housing purchase loan has been repaid for 1 year, with a good credit record and no overdue behavior. 5. When the applicant turns to the public, ensure that the purchased property has obtained the house ownership certificate issued by the local real estate registration department. 6. The amount of the business-to-public loan applied for can only be accepted if it is within the balance of the local housing provident fund purchase loan.
Legal objectivity:
Article 26 of the Regulations on the Management of Housing Provident Fund: When purchasing, constructing, renovating or overhauling self-occupied housing, employees who have paid housing provident fund can apply to the housing provident fund management center, which shall make a decision on whether to grant the loan within 15 days from the date of accepting the application and notify the applicant; Procedures for granting loans. The burden of housing provident fund loans. Twenty-seventh applicants for housing provident fund loans shall provide guarantees.
Four, Bank of Zhengzhou credit loan conditions.
At present, bank credit loans need Zhengzhou's business license for more than two years, and the loans cannot be large. The rest are records like running water.