When handling loans, borrowers need a good credit reference. If the personal credit is not good, the bank will directly refuse when applying for a loan. It should be noted that bad credit information cannot be changed, even if the user changes the bank to apply for a loan, it will not pass, which should be paid special attention to.
Users should repay the loan on time after handling it, and there should be no overdue repayment, because overdue repayment will result in penalty interest, which will affect personal credit information, and the deterioration of credit information will affect the subsequent handling of various loans. After overdue repayment, the bank will make a collection, and the common method is to call the borrower.
In fact, when individuals can't repay their loans on time, they can borrow money from friends around them to avoid overdue. However, after borrowing money, you should return it to your friends within the promised time. If the income is difficult, you can apply to the bank for deferred repayment. The general bank will agree after explaining the situation.