Postal Advantage Loan is a credit loan launched by Postal Bank for high-quality agency employees. Many people want to apply for Postal Advantage Loan to solve their financial problems, and many people have applied for it. So Postal Advantage Loan How many times can I borrow a loan?
How many times can I borrow a postal loan?
If the postal loan has been repaid, I can continue to borrow, but if I have not Once it has been repaid, it cannot be refinanced. Whether the loan can be continued depends on the system review. When applying for Postal Service Loan, the system will review the applicant. If the applicant meets the conditions for continuing the loan, the applicant can continue to use Postal Service Loan. Otherwise, he or she cannot Continue to use.
It should be noted that the number of people in a postal group loan cannot be less than five. The five people who have applied for it can only apply once, but they can use the loan repeatedly, and the remaining five people can apply again. Once a group of 5 people is formed, local Postal Savings Bank employees who have launched personal credit consumer loan business will come to handle the application.