About part-time jobs. After going to college, the expenses will definitely increase, and some people just want to work to earn some extra money. You can choose to work as waiters in some restaurants, work and study in the school library, or hand out leaflets or something. But don't blindly look for a job when you see small advertisements on the roadside, because some of them may be detained by criminals! ! So I have to go to a regular store to find a part-time job.
About the party. If you go to college, if you join a student union or a club, there will be some parties, but many of them are not so happy. Senior ministers may take you out to eat and sing, and take you to eat and drink under the guise of being familiar with the staff, so once you find that your unnecessary dinners have become extremely frequent, you can choose to refuse high-spending parties because it will not bring you anything.
About learning. In fact, many people say that going to college has nothing to do with teachers, but you should think that when most people don't take the initiative to contact teachers, you can communicate with teachers appropriately, ask some questions about study and work, and make friends when necessary, so that you can grasp the direction of your major and even employment, and maintain a good teacher-student relationship.
About making friends. College roommates must be your first social circle. Cherish your time together. After all, we will go our separate ways in the future. Maybe in the future, another person will be Ma Yun and Ma Hua Teng. Get along well and seize this wave of the most closely linked exchanges. You will need it one day. There are colleagues in the department, maybe you have more intimate friends, and you need to communicate your feelings every day at work!
About opportunities. There is a saying that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. So try to improve your own quality, and when the activity competition appears in front of you, you should grasp it well. Maybe it will be a bright spot in your life.