By using credit cards, you can accumulate your own credit records and lay a good credit foundation for applying for bank credit cards or loans. Credit records generated by using credit cards are the main reference content for inquiring personal credit information, which has certain influence on loans. However, if there is no problem with personal credit information and the credit card limit is 0, it will not affect the loan approval.
There are different forms of loans: unsecured loans, mortgage loans, secured loans and so on. For example:
1. Conditions for unsecured loans: the age is within the range of 22-60 years old; Have a fixed job and a stable income, and pay for punching cards for more than 6 months; Personal credit is good.
2. The basic process of unsecured loans: submitting loan applications; Relevant materials for submitting loan applications; Submit the loan qualification to the lending institution for approval; The qualification examination passes the risk assessment and quota accounting of the lending institution; If the risk assessment passes, the loan will be issued.