If you don't have the money to buy a house, do you borrow money from the bank, pay the down payment and repay the bank's principal and interest every month? How to calculate the mortgage I don't know
If you don't have the money to buy a house, do you borrow money from the bank, pay the down payment and repay the bank's principal and interest every month? How to calculate the mortgage I don't know how to solve it.
Yes, you are talking about commercial loans, that is, you pay the down payment first, and then pay the principal and interest monthly according to the commercial loan agreement signed with the bank. The specific interest depends on the preferential interest in the loan agreement. I suggest you go to the bank to consult the loan manager first. We will evaluate how much you can borrow according to your income, how many years you can borrow at most, the loan interest rate that the bank can give you, whether the first suite is multi-suite, and the situation of this loan house will tell you how much you need to pay back every month.