Interest rate of personal credit loan: when applying for personal loan, whether the loan interest rate will go up or down is determined by the handling bank in combination with business type, personal solvency, credit status, guarantee method and other factors.
Personal mortgage interest rate: mortgage interest rate refers to the loan with real estate in the bank, and the loan should pay interest according to the interest rate stipulated by the bank. The mortgage interest rate in China is uniformly stipulated by the People's Bank of China, and all commercial banks can float within a certain range.
The difference between the two: the difference between personal credit loans and personal mortgage loans is obvious, which mainly means that mortgage loans belong to consumer loans. To put it simply, a house loan means that your house is placed in the bank. If you don't repay it for various reasons, the bank can take your house away, while personal credit loans are commercial loans. The credit loans you put there are only credit, so it is better, because generally speaking, the interest on consumer loans is lower than that on commercial loans, which means the interest on mortgage loans.
Personal credit loan application conditions:
1. Open a personal settlement account in a loan bank;
2. Have a good occupation with a just and stable income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on schedule;
3. Obtain a personal credit rating of Grade A or above in the loan bank;
4. Abide by laws and regulations, and have no illegal acts and bad credit records;
5. China citizens with permanent residence in China, permanent residence in the local area and full capacity for civil conduct;
6. Other conditions stipulated by the bank.
When banks apply for personal loans, banks have requirements on the use of loan funds. The general bank will stipulate that the loan applicant shall not use the loan funds in the production, operation and investment fields explicitly prohibited by the CBRC, and the borrower shall provide proof or statement of the use of the funds.