The specific calculation formula is:
1, prepayment: (loan principal-repaid principal) * daily interest * loan days;
2. Voluntary repayment: (loan principal-repaid principal) * daily interest * 30;
For example, Xiaoming borrowed 3,000 yuan from Ant and took the initiative to repay. According to the repayment method of average capital, the loan 12 months, with daily interest.
Monthly principal repayment =3000/ 12=250 yuan,
The interest of the first month is: 3000*0.045%*30=40.5 yuan.
The interest of the second month is: (3000-250)*0.045%*30=37.2 yuan.
The monthly interest rate decreases month by month. In the last month, you only need to pay 3.3 yuan's interest.