You can try the following solutions. First, pay off any card overdrafts or loans that have not been repaid when due; second, the bank that has listed you on the bad record must issue a certificate proving that the debt is not malicious.
Proof of non-malicious debt
This is to certify that ***, gender: *, ID number: ****, the credit card number held by the customer: *** *RMB account ** yuan has been overdue, *** has been overdue * times, and the amount owed is * yuan. The main reason is that customer **** forgot to repay in time or lost the card due to going out, and failed to report the loss or cancel it in time. . Later, because the ****** code for the new card was not received from our bank for reminders via text messages and phone calls, the repayment was not repaid on time. Now the customer has settled all the **** yuan owed, and the arrears are not subjective and malicious.
This is to certify!
*** Branch of ***** Bank of China