Although the appearance of credit card provides convenience for everyone to spend first and then repay, for most people, they just want to take advantage of the interest-free period of more than one month instead of paying more interest. In the actual use process, there are many cases of paying high interest for various reasons, so many people are skeptical about credit cards, at least they don't welcome them, and some even refuse them directly. The specific reasons are probably as follows:
1. There are many similar Internet products, so it is more convenient to use substitute products.
In the early years, only credit cards provided this service. Now, Bai Hua, Lending Bao, Micro-loan, JD.COM Baitiao, etc. all provide services similar to credit cards. Moreover, these Internet products are easy to handle, just submit personal information online. Moreover, there are more and more scenes of online consumption, and these Internet products can provide users with more benefits.
Therefore, many young people turn to this loan product and refuse to apply for credit cards.
2. Have no confidence in self-control.
6. A considerable number of people resist the consumption pattern of credit card first swiping and then returning because they have no confidence in their self-control ability and are worried that they will become card slaves.
6. In fact, many people will have the impulse to swipe their cards after handling credit cards, especially after handling large credit cards. What they face is overdue, penalty interest and credit investigation, which is not worth the loss. The most important thing is that the self-control of young people nowadays is not particularly strong.
3. The more you sell, the more you resist.
7. Bank SMS bombing, merchant recommendation, in-app recommendation, and credit card advertisements are everywhere. Many people instinctively resist these sales promotions, because banks will definitely not vigorously promote them without profit, and the wool is on the sheep.
Step 4 repay
8. There are always two days to use a credit card: the billing date and the repayment date.
9. As the name implies, it is the total expenditure of the last billing cycle and the day when it needs to be repaid. If you forget to repay or not, it will affect your personal credit.
10. Of course, repayment is much more convenient now than before. Alipay WeChat has the function of repayment, but there will be a limit, which will be an additional obstacle to repayment.
1 1. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. If you use it well, you can use it well and take you into the infinite abyss.
12. Credit cards generally refer to debit cards, so many people know that they are credit cards. You must pay back the money you spend, unlike borrowing money from relatives and friends. You must repay the money you borrowed from the credit card on time, or you will have to pay interest and break your promise. Borrowing money from relatives and friends in the future will definitely affect your own interests. On the contrary, borrowing money from relatives and friends will not affect you.
13. In fact, credit cards are only suitable for people who travel frequently, and then they are used by very rich people. For those of us born after 8090, my personal suggestion is not to use it, because our income is limited, and then many people still carry mortgages and car loans. In short, the credit card is deep, please think twice!
14.& gt& gt Click here to apply for a credit card, which has a high quota and can be issued quickly.
15. Warm reminder: Please carefully check the information in the content, raise awareness of prevention, beware of traps such as telecom fraud and usury, and avoid being deceived.