1. Online lending companies usually don't directly pay attention to whether you have outstanding loans in the bank, but pay more attention to your credit history and repayment ability.
Owning a bank loan does not mean that you can't apply for other types of loans. Different lending institutions have different approval standards and policies.
3. Online loan companies may be more flexible and relaxed in reviewing loan applications, so you still have the opportunity to get additional loans.
4. However, you need to pay attention to the following points when applying for online loans:
You should objectively evaluate your current financial situation and ensure that you have the ability to repay new loans.
-Online loans usually have higher interest rates and shorter repayment periods. These factors need to be carefully considered.
-Paying off bank loans in time may improve your credit score, thus increasing your chances of getting online loans.
-Choose a reliable and legal online lending platform to apply, and make sure to read and understand the relevant loan agreement terms.
Summary: owing bank loans does not mean that you cannot apply for online loans. You still have the opportunity to get additional loans, but you need to carefully consider your repayment ability and interest rate. Timely repayment of bank loans may help improve your credit record.