Handling bank loans must be handled by yourself, unless you have a power of attorney and need notarization, which is very troublesome.
In addition, I also want to tell you that banks need not only copies of the above documents, but also originals. You didn't mention what to use as collateral, which means it is a credit loan, but credit loans also need corresponding deposits as collateral. Personally, I think what you said is a bit unreliable. Don't be deceived. Be careful.
2. Can someone use my ID card, work certificate and running loan?
There are only ID cards and running water, and the following conditions are required for payment:
Full capacity for civil conduct, permanent residence of urban residents or legal and valid proof of residence;
(2) pay the down payment;
(3) have a stable legal income and the ability to repay interest;
(4) Offer free funds that are lower than 30% of the purchase price.
(5) The borrower agrees to use the purchased house and its rights and interests as collateral;
(6) The purchased second-hand house has clear property rights and meets the requirements of Beijing Municipal Government;
(7) purchased houses
(8) Other conditions required by the lending bank.
3. Can someone use my ID card, work certificate and running loan?
Only the ID card and running water, the work certificate is not enough for the loan, and the loan needs to meet the following conditions: (1) full capacity for civil conduct, 18 years old with permanent residence of urban residents or legal and valid proof of residence; (2) pay the down payment; (3) have a stable legal income and the ability to repay interest; (4) When applying for loans, property buyers should have free funds of not less than 30% of the purchase price. (5) The borrower agrees to use the purchased house and its rights and interests as collateral; (6) The purchased second-hand houses have clear property rights and meet the requirements for entering the real estate market stipulated by the Beijing Municipal Government; (7) The purchased house is not within the scope of the announcement. (8) Other conditions required by the lending bank.
4. Can someone use my ID card, work certificate and running loan?
Handling bank loans must be handled by yourself, unless you have a power of attorney and need notarization, which is very troublesome.
In addition, I also want to tell you that banks need not only copies of the above documents, but also originals. You didn't mention what to use as collateral, which means it is a credit loan, but credit loans also need corresponding deposits as collateral. Personally, I think what you said is a bit unreliable. Don't be deceived. Be careful.