2. If the loan has been approved and the house payment can't be put down temporarily, then even if the owner is in a hurry, he can only wait patiently for the loan and can't "sell one room and two houses" and sell the house to others.
3. If the loan is not approved by the bank, you can raise the house payment by borrowing from relatives and friends or mortgage loans and pay it to the owner. However, if you are unable to collect the house payment, you can only terminate the "Purchase Contract".
4. In this case, the specific breach of contract depends on the relevant provisions of the Purchase Contract signed with the owner. Generally speaking, if the bank loan cannot be processed due to the buyer's personal reasons, the buyer may not be liable for breach of contract. At this time, he can negotiate with the owner to terminate the contract, and the owner will return the down payment he has paid.
5. If the owner thinks that he is liable for breach of contract and demands to pay liquidated damages, it must be based on the relevant agreement in the house purchase contract, otherwise he has the right to refuse to pay liquidated damages.