For most people, borrowing money to buy a fund is because they think they have too little principal and want to borrow money. They think that the current market is very good, and loans to buy funds will definitely get more benefits. This idea is more dangerous. The fund is really not sure when to go up and when to go down. We can't guarantee that our income is very stable. If you borrow money at this time, the risk is still relatively large.
Generally speaking, we use our spare money to buy funds. If we spend our living expenses or the cost of buying a car or a house on buying a fund, the risk is too great. If you had spare money to buy funds, it wouldn't have such a big impact on our mood. If you lose money, you will lose money, which only shows that your investment vision is not so good. However, if particularly important money is used to buy funds, the consequences will be more serious, and it may be unbearable at that time. Therefore, it is unrealistic and inappropriate to borrow money to buy funds, but some special circumstances are not excluded. In most cases, it is unrealistic to borrow money to buy funds.