The tax accountant takes five subjects in the exam, and the test results are valid for five years. Generally speaking, the tax agent exam is less difficult than the CPA exam, but higher than the primary and intermediate accounting title exams, and candidates are not required to have a professional foundation.
With the expansion of the demand for talents in tax-related industries, many zero-based candidates will choose to apply for the cross-examination It is suggested that such candidates should make plans in advance when preparing for the exam, and be able to persist in the boring and suffering of learning in new fields. I believe that candidates with zero foundation can pass the tax agent exam as long as they are willing to work hard.
Review ideas of examination postponement;
Although the tax agent exam will be postponed in 2022, it is not bad news for candidates who want to take the postponed exam, because they have more time to review. During the overtime, candidates must pay attention to it, try to see where their weaknesses are, strengthen their study for the weak places, and comprehensively check for leaks and fill vacancies.
After the exam is postponed, you can do more exercises in the extra time. For example, you can find some real questions of 19 -20, or you can find some real questions over the years to do. Relatively speaking, through real training, you can help everyone find ideas.
Only the tax-related service practice subject of tax agents has short answer questions, which account for a large proportion in this subject, and the main examination directions are value-added tax and enterprise income tax. Short answer questions require candidates to answer in the form of words, so candidates should use standardized language when answering, and the answers must be logical and organized.