The overall passing score is 60 points. The specific calculation formula is: If there is no professional test and no written test to participate in the interview: the overall score = interview score. If there is no professional test, but there is a written test and interview: the overall score = 50% of the written test score + 50% of the interview score. If there is a professional test and no written test is required to participate in the interview: the overall score = 50% of the professional test score + 50% of the interview score. If there are professional tests, written tests and interviews: the overall score = written test score 40% + professional test score 30% + interview score 30%.
Written test scores, professional test scores, interview scores, and comprehensive total scores are all rounded to 2 decimal places (the number of decimal places can be increased if necessary). For those with the same comprehensive total score, the ranking will be further determined in the following order:
(1) Arrange from high to low according to written test scores;
(2) If the written test scores are the same, Arranged by interview scores;
(3) If the interview scores are still the same and those who meet the priority targets specified in the national, Fujian Province or Xiamen City documents will be given priority to enter the physical examination. If there is no priority candidate, the candidates can sign and agree to adopt a simple method to determine the final candidate for the physical examination by reaching consensus, or the interview organizing department can organize them to conduct a re-interview, and the candidate with the higher score in the re-interview will enter the physical examination.