I. Tax number of American companies and enterprises -EIN (American Employer Identification Number)
EIN, also known as the American employer identification number, also known as the federal tax number, is the number that the US Federal Taxation Bureau identifies taxpayers of various companies. Basically, every American company must apply for a federal tax number for future corporate tax returns. EIN is also one of the company documents that must be provided when opening a company bank account in the United States.
EIN applies not only to companies or entities registered in the United States, but also to companies or entities registered outside the United States and conducting business activities in the United States. If a foreign company is registered in the United States, it should first apply for EIN, otherwise it will not be able to do business in the United States, open a bank account or submit a year-end tax return.
In addition to the above, EIN is also used in daily operations. If a company needs to open a bank account in the United States, apply for a credit card, apply for a business license, or pay state and local taxes, it needs to report its American employer identification number.
Second, the American personal tax number-SSN (American Social Security Number)
SSN refers to the American social security number, which is a set of nine digits issued by the American Social Security Bureau to American citizens, American green card holders and temporary (working) residents. SSN was originally designed to track individual's tax payment, but now it has been expanded to include distinguishing individual's identity, which is similar to China's "resident ID number" and is bound to individual's credit. Social security numbers are required to apply for loans, credit cards and tax returns in the United States.
Third, the personal tax number of non-Americans-ITIN (Personal Tax Identification Number).
ITIN, that is, personal tax identification number, is a tax declaration number specially set by the US Federal Taxation Bureau for non-American citizens, that is, individuals who do not have SSN social security numbers but have tax declaration needs. Like social security numbers, ITIN numbers are nine digits. ITIN has no other use than federal taxes.
It should be noted that having ITIN does not mean that you can work legally in the United States, nor can you enjoy social welfare in the United States. It can be said that the role of ITIN is only to make non-SSN people pay taxes.
Having said that, I believe everyone understands that SSN and ITIN are both tax numbers for personal tax returns. The difference lies in the identity of the taxpayer, and EIN is the tax number used by companies or enterprises to file tax returns. SSN is associated with personal credit, while EIN is associated with the credit of companies and enterprises.