the latest national economic industry classification
(GB/T? 4754-211)
Accounting firm
L category
Accounting, auditing and tax services
Extended information:
source code (also known as source program).
the source code is relative to the target code and executable code. Source code is the ground code written in assembly language and high-level language. Object code refers to the binary code that can be directly recognized by cpu after the source code is compiled. Executable code is an executable file formed by connecting the target code, and of course it is binary.
The main functions of the source code are as follows:
To generate the target code, that is, the code that can be recognized by the computer.
explain the software, that is, explain the preparation of the software. Many beginners, even a few experienced programmers, ignore the compilation of software instructions, because this part will not be directly displayed in the generated program, nor will it participate in compilation. However, it is of great benefit to software learning, sharing, maintenance and software reuse.
it should be pointed out that the modification of the source code cannot change the generated target code. If the target code needs to be modified accordingly, it must be recompiled.
Baidu encyclopedia-code