What will happen to the enterprise because the tax administrator is fierce and disrespectful to the enterprise tax personnel, and the enterprise tax personnel abuse the tax administrator?
To quote the godfather: be reasonable. Why should I be scolded by the administrator? If he swears, he can record it and complain to his superiors. I believe in a principle: it is easy for part-time workers to find another job, but it is a bit difficult for civil servants to be dismissed and rejoin the national team. In fact, many problems of taxation are used by enterprises. I saw a driver's attitude towards the traffic police the other day, which was very enlightening. After the driver was stopped by the traffic police, his attitude was correct, but he doubted that the traffic police did not show his police officer's card. Sadly, this comrade forgot to bring his certificate. Because the driver suspected that it was fake, the final result was that the driver called the police and alerted the traffic police superior. The two sides had a heart-to-heart talk.