Because the exam content is relatively simple, the junior accounting certificate is easier to obtain than intermediate accounting, senior accounting, certified public accountant, tax accountant and other certificates. Applicants only need to set a reasonable study plan and find the right It is easier to pass the exam if you follow the study method and prepare for the exam step by step. To prepare effectively for the junior accounting exam, it is recommended that exam preparers do the following:
Pay attention to the study of teaching materials and grasp the changes in the exam; make reasonable arrangements for the exam plan, pay attention to both listening to lectures and answering questions, grasp the key points, and memorize and summarize them in a timely manner. During the preparation process, test takers should also pay attention to the use of learning methods and master the answer structure of subjective questions; they should also pay attention to sorting out the framework of teaching materials and connecting the teaching materials through the framework to improve the review effect.
At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the practice of exercises and focus on summary. Through a certain amount of practice, the memory and understanding of knowledge points can be deepened. In addition, the Junior Accounting Examination stipulates that candidates can only obtain certificates by passing two subjects at the same time. Therefore, when preparing for the exam, attention should be paid to the reasonable allocation of review time for the two subjects, and avoid partial subjects.
Pre-examination suggestions for taking the junior accounting exam
Before taking the junior accounting exam, it is recommended that candidates familiarize themselves with the content of the computer-based exam in advance, because all junior accounting exams are paperless; at the same time, they should Check whether the paper version of your admission ticket and your original valid ID card or other documents or items are complete. The admission ticket and valid ID card are required to enter the examination room, otherwise candidates will not be able to enter the examination room. In addition, adjust your mentality a few days before the exam, properly combine work and rest, and maintain a good attitude to face the exam.
Junior Accounting Examination Subjects
The Junior Accounting Examination consists of two subjects: "Basics of Economic Law" and "Junior Accounting Practice". All junior accounting examination questions are objective questions, namely: single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, true-false questions, and indefinite-choice questions. "Basics of Economic Law" focuses on testing candidates' mastery of basic laws and regulations related to accounting. "Elementary Accounting Practice" focuses on testing the candidates' business operation ability, requiring candidates to focus on being familiar with and mastering the measurement attributes and application principles of accounting elements, the classification of original vouchers and accounting vouchers, and being familiar with the accounting of long-term deferred expenses and the requirements for product cost accounting, etc. content.