What are the characteristics of tax law 1 and tax law 2?
"Tax Law 1": The content of the exam is relatively basic and difficult, but the exam is comprehensive and the topics involve various chapters; The key points are outstanding, and the value-added tax and consumption tax scores account for a relatively high proportion; Taxes are closely linked.
Tax Law 2: A less difficult subject in the tax agent examination, which mainly examines the tax collection methods and legal policies of various taxes, with the focus on three chapters: corporate income tax, personal income tax and urban land use tax.
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How difficult is the subject of tax accountant?
In the difficulty ranking of tax agents, the difficulty coefficient of tax-related service practice subjects is the highest. The examination of this subject involves a large number of subjective questions, and there are many written expressions, which require candidates to spend a lot of energy to understand and remember.
The second difficult factor is finance and accounting, including financial management and accounting. There are many questions about memory and computational analysis. Generally speaking, the difficulty of the five subjects in the tax agent examination is listed as follows:
Tax service practice, financial accounting, tax service related laws, tax law 2 and tax law 1. ..
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