A one-stop flexible employment platform for salary experts supports employment and helps enterprises to save taxes reasonably. Its main advantages are as follows:
First, we are committed to solving the problem of flexible employment in new formats and actively providing space for freelancers to display their talents.
Second, accurately explore the legal salary and tax planning space for enterprises and individuals, help enterprises save costs, concentrate resources to cope with the increasingly severe international competition, and contribute to the prosperity of China's economy.
Third, combine technologies and concepts such as big data, blockchain, face recognition, public security authentication, and * * * sharing platform to ensure the safe operation of the cloud platform and ensure the information security of individuals and corporate users.
Fourth, it has received strong support from governments, financial institutions and think tanks such as the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, tax bureaus and banks, ensuring the timely absorption of new technologies and policies, grasping the market development trend and solving the worries of enterprises and individuals.