Voucher number
Ensuring that the voucher is intact must depend on the number. If the accounting voucher is found to be wrong before posting, just refill it directly.
original evidence
There is a summary of the original voucher, so there is no need to summarize the original voucher, otherwise there is no meaning to summarize the original voucher. In multiple-choice questions, the required contents of the original voucher include: date, voucher font size, abstract, account, debit and credit amount, etc.
Collection and carry-over
There is a collection and a carry-forward fee, which must be two vouchers: collection and carry-forward.
Filling method
If this question asks that the original voucher was filled in _ _, then it is necessary to fill in the date, voucher font size, abstract, account, debit and credit amount, etc.
payment voucher
Basis in the basis of uniform payment voucher.