January=JAN February=FEB
< p>March=MAR April=APRMay=MAY June=JUN
July=JUL August=AUG
September= SEP October=OCT
November=NOV December=DEC
Common words
4=FOR to forever=FOREVER
< p>2=TO RTN=RETURN (send back)BT=BLOOD TYPE (blood type) PLS=PLEASE (please)
BD=BIRTHDAY (birthday) REWARD=Reward p>
REWARD 4 RETURN=Return with reward ALLRG=Allergy
Military terminology
USMC=Marine Corps NAVY=Navy
AF=AIR FORCE (Air Force) ARMY=Army
C=CHRISTIANISM (Christianity) J=JUDAISM (Judaism)
C=CATHOLICISM (Catholic) B= BUDDHISM (Buddhism)
I=ISLAM (Islam) NR=NO REFERENCE (no religious belief)
Aquarius: AQUARIUS (January 21 Sunday - February 19th)
Pisces: PISCES (February 20th - March 20th)
Aries: ARIES (March 21st - April 20th)< /p>
Taurus: TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st)
Gemini: GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)
Cancer: CANCER (June 22-July 23)
Leo: LEO (July 24-August 23)
Virgo: VIRGO (August 24- September 23)
Libra: LIBRA (September 24-October 23)
Scorpio: SCORPIUS (October 24-November 22)
Sagittarius: SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)
Goat: CAPRICORNUS (December 22-January 20)
1. International Sexual or national:
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (also called International Cultural and Educational Organization)
For example: (The) UNESCO has made some contributions to the world. (UNESCO makes some contributions to the world)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty organization) North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
For example: Could (the) NATO members stick to their commitments? (Can members of NATO stick to their obligations?)
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) Strategic Arms Limitation Convention
For example: Should every nation join (the) SALT? (Every country must join SALT?)
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) United States Space Administration
Example: The U.S. space programs depend on the performances of NASA. (The U.S. space program depends on NASA’s performance.
(Note: The above abbreviations are also treated as one word)
WHO (World Health organization) World Health Organization
Example: Taiwan has been trying to become one of the WHO members. (Taiwan has always tried to become a member of the WHO)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) FBI (responsible for the United States)
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Central Intelligence Agency (responsible for foreign countries)
Example: Over the past years, Dr. and Mrs. Lee have worked for both FBI and CIA. FBI and CIA work)
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) United States Food and Drug Administration
Example: This new drug has to be approved by the FDA. Approved)
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) United States Department of Agriculture
Example: USDA supplies myriad of information on agriculture market. (Regarding the agricultural market, USDA supplies a large amount of information.)< /p>
IRS (Internal Revenue Service) US Taxation Service
Example: Employees working for IRS should be courteous toward tax payers. (IRS employees should be courteous toward taxpayers)
< p>NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Color People) (National Association for the Promotion of Black Rights, the largest organization for black people to promote their rights)Example: Many African-Americans join NAACP. NAACP)
NIH (National Institute of Health)
Example: Mr. Wang has worked at NIH as a researcher. (Mr. Wang works as a researcher at NIH)
AARP (American Association of Retired People.)
Example: At age 50, you are eligible to be a member of AARP. )
AAUP (American Association of University Professors) (American Association of University Professors)
Example: The AAUP has many branches at different colleges and universities in the U.S. (AAUP has many branches at different colleges and universities in the U.S. There are many chapters)
SCORE (Services Corps of Retired Executives) (This is a group of American corporate executives who retire and serve as free consultants to help young people start their own businesses. )
(Note: The singular and plural of corps are the same, and the pronunciation is different from corpse, so be careful.)
(Note: Foreigners sometimes add the articles the, a, and before the abbreviation of the organization name. an is sometimes not added, but in official documents, it is usually added.
2. General test name:
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Academic Aptitude Test (a test set by the United States for high school students who want to enter college)
< p>Example: The well-known universities accept new students based on SAT scores and well-rounded personalities. (The well-known universities accept new students based on SAT scores and well-rounded personalities.)GPA (Grade Point Average) (General academic performance average)
Example: His GPA always stands on the top of his class. (His GPA is always first in the class)
GED (General Equivalent Diploma) ; General Equivalency Diploma (Students who have not graduated from high school can obtain a high school diploma if they take the GED and pass it)
Example: If he passes the GED test, he will earn a high school diploma.
p>AP (advanced placement) If high school students in school take AP courses and pass the exam, they do not need to take them again when they enter college in the future.
Example: His son took some AP courses at high school.
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is an entrance exam for students pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in the United States
Example: In order to enter a MBA program, you need a high score on GMAT.
LSAT (Law School Admission Test) The entrance exam for law students in the United States
Example: He did very well in his LSAT. (His LSAT did well)
MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) An exam set up for students entering medical schools in the United States
< p>Example: Do you think he will do well in his MCAT?GRE (Graduate Record Exam) This is an entrance examination for graduate students in American universities.
Example: Most American graduate schools require GRE scores. (Most American graduate schools require GRE scores)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) The English proficiency test for foreign students who want to enter American universities (the so-called "TOEFL") Test)
Example: Almost all Chinese college graduates are required to take TOEFL if they come to the U.S. for advanced degrees. For a higher degree. )
CLEP (College Level Exam Program) Anyone with academic expertise can take this exam, and once they pass, they can get college credits.
Example: As long as you pass CLEP, You may earn college credits. (As long as you pass CLEP, you can earn college credits.)
(Note: Foreigners generally refer to "Only College, not University)
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) This is a special English course in the United States for newly arrived immigrants or foreign students.
Also called ESL (English as a Second Language)
Example: Many American campuses offer ESOL courses for foreign students. (Many American campuses offer ESOL courses for foreign students)
3. General In terms of daily life:
EOE (Equal Opportunity Employer) This is a way for various organizations in the United States to indicate to applicants that they are "equal opportunity employers" when recruiting employees.
Example: All African-Americans hope that their employments will be based on EOE. (All African-Americans hope that their employments will be based on EOE.)
DOQ (Depending on Qualifications) Based on application A worker's qualifications determine whether or not to be hired.
Example: The DOQ policy is being used by our school in hiring new teachers. (When hiring new teachers, the school adopts the DOQ policy.)
PR (Public Relation) Public** *Relationship
Example: The college president wants to improve its PR with the community. (The college president wants to improve its PR with the community)
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) The highest Chief Executive Officer (mostly refers to the business community or company leaders)
Example: The CEO of this company will resign because of poor health. (The CEO of this company will resign because of poor health.)
CPA (Certified Public Accountant) A licensed accountant in the United States
Example: Do you have a CPA to prepare your income tax? (Do you have a CPA to prepare your income tax?)
COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) adjustment of the cost of living (that is, salary increases are based on the living index)
Example: Our annual pay raise will be based on COLA.
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) = VD = Venereal Disease (STD is more commonly used now)
Example: Many teen-agers face STD problems. (Many teenagers face STD problems)
SOA (Sexually oriented Advertisement) Sexually oriented advertising
Example: Don\'t you feel we have too much SOA in the media? (Don't you feel we have too much SOA in the media?)< /p>
GOP (Grand Old Party) Another name for the Republican Party of the United States = Republican Party
Example: The GOP has nominated Mr. Bush as its Presidential candidate. (GOP has nominated Mr. Bush as its Presidential candidate. Mr. is a presidential candidate)
PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome) This is an abbreviation commonly used by women who feel uncomfortable or in a bad mood before menstruation
Example: Don\'t bother her; she has PMS.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) refers to a condition in which teenagers cannot concentrate and remain calm.
Example: Tens of thousands of youngsters are suffering from ADHD in the U.S. (Thousands of teenagers in the United States have ADHD problems)
RSVP (Respondez sil vous plait) This It is French and usually used on invitations = Please reply (or respond)
Example: There is “RSVP” on the invitation card.
BYOB ( bring your own bottle) When foreigners treat guests, in order to reduce the burden or personal preference of the type of wine, they should indicate "please bring your own bottle" on the invitation.
Example: Whenever he invites guests, he asks “BYOB”. (Whenever he treats guests, he asks them to bring their own wine.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome) AIDS
Example: AIDS has spread all over the world.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Heart attack emergency method< /p>
Example: Everyone should learn how to do CPR.
EKG (Electrocardiography) Electrocardiogram (not ECG)
Example: Her physician asks her to have an EKG next week. (The doctor wants her to do an EKG next week)
IV (intravenous injection) intravenous drip for the patient
Example: In the hospital emergency room, I saw a patient with an IV on his arm. (In the large emergency ward of the hospital, I saw a patient getting an IV drip)