The first criterion for defining a medium-risk area is the area, with streets and towns as the basic units. Followed by time, the longest incubation period is 14 days. The third is the epidemic situation, how many cases there are, and whether there is a cluster epidemic. Although there is an epidemic in Jiaonan, Huangdao District, Qingdao, it has not been designated as a medium-high risk area, and there is no policy to isolate it, so it does not belong to a medium-high risk area.
Identification criteria of medium and high risk areas:
The first is the region, with streets and towns as the basic units.
The second is time, the longest incubation period is 14 days.
The third is the epidemic situation, how many cases there are, and whether there is a cluster epidemic.
The middle risk areas are counties and cities, and confirmed cases are added within 14 days, with no more than 50 confirmed cases or more than 50 confirmed cases, and there is no clustering epidemic within 14 days. The high-incidence areas are counties and cities, with more than 50 cumulative cases, and a cluster epidemic occurred within 14 days.