tax n.1. tax; Tax
2. Burden; Pressure
3. Membership fee
4. Charge
vt. 1. Tax
2. Collect membership fee
3. Make the burden heavy; Put pressure on
4. Responsibility, blame, condemnation
5. Pay (people); Offer (price)
6. Evaluation (legal fees, etc.)
tariff table; Tariff rate; Tariff
2. Fee list (for hotels or public utilities)
vt.1. Impose tariffs on ...; Set the tax rate for
2. Set the charging standard for
duty n.1. Responsibility; Obligation; Duty
2. Position; Duty
3. Respect
4. Tax
5. Work (done by the machine under given conditions); Energy rate; Load; Working state
6. Irrigation water quantity (required by a certain crop on unit land), irrigation rate.