1, Graphical Rating Scale (GRS): It is one of the simplest and most commonly used performance appraisal techniques, and it is generally conducted in the form of filling in a graphical rating scale and scoring.
2. Alternative ranking method (ARM): It is a commonly used ranking assessment method. The principle is that it is much easier to choose the best or worst performers in the group than to absolutely evaluate their performance. Therefore, the operation method of alternating sorting is to select the "best" and "worst" respectively, then select "second best" and "second worst", and so on until all the assessed personnel are arranged, so that the ranking of advantages and disadvantages is the performance appraisal result. Alternate sorting can also be operated using performance sorting tables.
3. Paired comparison method (PCM): It is a more detailed method to evaluate the performance level through ranking, which is characterized by pairwise comparison and ranking of each assessment element, so that under each assessment element, everyone is compared with everyone else, and all the assessed people are fully ranked under each element.
4. Forced distribution method (FDM): it is to set the distribution ratio of performance level before assessment, and then arrange the assessment results of employees into the distribution structure.
5. Critical Event Method (CIM): It is a method to evaluate the performance level of employees through their key behaviors and behavior results. Under normal circumstances, the supervisor will record the excellent behavior events or very bad behavior events of his subordinates at work, and then interview the employees at the evaluation time (quarterly or semi-annually) to evaluate the performance level of the employees according to the records.
6. Behavior Anchoring Rating Scale (BARS): It is a method to evaluate the performance level by observing and evaluating the work behavior of the assessed.
7. Management by Objectives (MBO): MBO is a widely used method in modern times. Managers usually emphasize profit, sales and cost, which can bring results. Under the management by objectives method, each employee is determined to have a number of specific indicators, which are the key objectives for the successful development of his work.