Frequently asked questions of electronic tax bureau:
1. Q: When logging in to the system, you will be prompted "taxpayer identification number, user number or password is wrong, please re-enter". What should I do?
A: It may be: A. The taxpayer identification number is wrong. Please check the taxpayer identification number and pay attention to the case of letters. You can check whether the identification number is correct in the "Query Taxpayer Identification Number" interface at the bottom of the login box. If you copy and paste, check whether there are spaces in the taxpayer identification number entered, and remove the spaces.
B, the password is wrong. After the first login reset, it is 88888888. If you forget, please contact the competent local tax authorities to reset, and pay attention to the case of letters.
C, the user number is wrong. Generally, it defaults to 0000.
2. Q: When logging in, you will be prompted that "the taxpayer has not opened the online newspaper". What should I do?
A: it may be: a. it is true that the online newspaper has not been opened. The taxpayer has not opened the online newspaper or the taxpayer identification number is wrong. Please contact the local competent tax authorities to issue it.
B. The taxpayer identification number is entered incorrectly. Confirm that the electronic tax bureau has been opened. You can check whether the taxpayer identification number is correct in the "Query taxpayer identification number" interface at the bottom of the login box.