Individuals pay social insurance as a freelancer: they pay a certain proportion according to the prescribed payment base (there are local differences). The regulations vary from place to place. Generally, pension insurance is paid at a ratio of 18-28%. Medical insurance premiums are generally based on 6-10% of the local average social wage level in the previous year. Conditions: Have urban household registration in this city and meet the insurance conditions
Freelancers can also find more reliable social security payment agencies online to help pay. As for how much the social security fee is, it depends on the social security payment base you choose. Taking Xiamen as an example, Xiamen's social security payment in 2021 is calculated based on the minimum payment base of 1,800 yuan. The social security fee is 816.88 yuan, and the individual employee needs to pay 226.52 yuan.
The fees that individual employees need to pay are: 0.5% of unemployment insurance - 9 yuan, 2% of medical insurance - 73.52 yuan, and 8% of pension insurance - 144 yuan, *** Total 226.52 yuan.
The fees that companies need to pay are: 0.4% of work-related injury insurance - 7.2 yuan, 0.5% of unemployment insurance - 9 yuan, 7% of medical insurance - 257.32 yuan, and pension insurance 14% - 252 yuan, totaling 590.36 yuan.