The service tax rate is 5%. Income *5% is your business tax. Reuse business tax *7% is urban construction tax. Business tax *3% is education surcharge. You should be able to pay these taxes.
2 tax returns in triplicate, one for myself, one for the administrator and one for the tax hall.
Remember to take the tax bill after paying taxes; There must be a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement for tax payment, which can be filled out according to various financial indicators. Assets = liabilities+owners' equity. The income statement can be filled out according to the profit and loss account (income \ cost \ expense, etc.). ).
Fill in the tax return form and send it directly to the tax hall after being signed by the special administrator. If there is electronic tax payment, the bank will pay it automatically. If there is no need to take the tax bill to the bank to pay taxes in cash.