If the personal credit name of the bank loan is detailed, it will show the monthly income, whether there is a loan, whether there is overdue repayment, and the expenditure details of running water within three months. You can query credit information in three ways:
1. Bring your ID card to the local central bank credit information center for on-site inquiry;
Inquire through some bank ATMs or websites;
Log on to the website of the central bank's credit information center, register and submit an inquiry application.
2. Print credit records:
It is necessary to take the original and photocopy of the ID card to the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China for inquiry and printing, and some banks in Beijing have also launched self-service credit information report inquiry machines;
In addition, according to the current regulations, it is free for individuals to inquire about personal credit reports twice a year, and a service fee will be charged for the third time and above, 25 yuan.
3. What is recorded in the credit report?
Personal credit report mainly records the overdue records of loans, credit cards or quasi-credit cards overdrawn for more than 60 days in the last five years;
Summary of personal credit records, enterprise information and credit report inquiry records in recent two years. The inquired records generally show the reasons, methods and times of inquiry, as well as credit records, enterprise records and inquired records.