It is a good idea to extend the repayment time appropriately, so that the monthly repayment amount will be reduced accordingly. If you feel great repayment pressure, you can choose the repayment method of equal principal and interest, and extend the repayment time appropriately, so that the monthly repayment amount will be reduced and the pressure will be less.
2. Ways to relieve mortgage pressure
The borrower can negotiate with the bank and ask for temporary repayment of interest instead of principal. Because the bank has a house as collateral, it will generally accept the borrower's proposal and earn more interest. People who can't repay in time due to the inconvenience of short-term capital turnover can apply for unsecured credit loans in banks to ease the current repayment pressure.
3, throttling, reduce expenses
As soon as you get your monthly income, you must make compulsory savings except for some living expenses. Moreover, since the mortgage has to be repaid, it is inevitable that the living expenses will be reduced. We must reduce unnecessary expenses and save a little. We must know that many a mickle makes a mickle.
4. Open source and learn to manage money.
In addition to reducing your own expenses, you should find more ways to make money. You can do part-time and sideline jobs in your spare time. Of course, the most important thing is to buy some wealth management products in Qian Shengqian. Need to be reminded that the most important thing in financial management is safety. You should choose a financial platform with guaranteed capital and interest.
5. put your mind right
Mortgage is just a part of life. You can't wake up in the morning thinking about how much mortgage you want this month. So for you, this state will cast a shadow on your mind. You must have a good attitude, believe in yourself and believe that you can pay off all the loans in a short time and get rid of the pressure of mortgage!