First of all, it should be clear that the loan interest should be included in the financial expenses. Some banks pay interest monthly, some quarterly, and in most cases quarterly.
1. When the company receives a bank loan,
Debit: bank deposit
Loans: long-term loans/short-term loans.
2. When the company repays the loan interest,
Debit: financial expenses-interest expenses
Loans: bank deposits
When the interest is accumulated at the end of each month.
Debit: financial expenses-interest expenses
Loan: prepaid expenses-loan interest XX bank
4. When paying the loan information at the end of the quarter.
Borrow: prepaid expenses-loan interest XX bank
Loans: bank deposits
5. How to deal with the loan interest of the project under construction?
Borrow: Construction in progress-interest expense
Loan: interest payable
6. When the interest is actually paid
Borrow: interest payable
Loans: bank deposits
7. Calculate directly by interest.
Borrow: Construction in progress-interest expense
Loans: bank deposits