Xining Huixin Apartment is worth buying. Xining Huixin Apartment is a residential project located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Huzhu Road and Minhe Road, No. 92 Huzhu Road, Chengdong District. It has been an ordinary residence for 70 years. Please see the detailed data information of Xining Huixin Apartment project below.
Project address: No. 92 Huzhu Road, Chengdong District, northwest corner of the intersection of Huzhu Road and Minhe Road
Developer: Qinghai Huixin Food Co., Ltd.
Building type : Banlou
The current reference average price of real estate: about 7,800 yuan/square meter
Occupied area: about 72,000 square meters
Building area: about 13,200 square meters meters
Planned parking spaces: 4,000
Click to view: detailed information of Xining Huixin Apartment.