Pay attention to the repayment time after buying a car, and timely repayment is very important. If the financial institution can't deduct the money, it will call the owner to collect the loan within three days, and a phone call will cost two or three hundred yuan, which increases the loan cost. If the loan is not repaid for more than three months, the guarantee company will generally apply to the court for compulsory auto auction according to the loan contract. Because according to the contract, the buyer only has the right to use the car and the property right has been mortgaged to the bank.
If the car buyer wants to apply for a car loan directly through the bank, it is best not to tell the account manager of the 4S shop when buying a car, and submit the information directly to the bank after paying the deposit, which can also save the handling fee of the 4S shop car loan.
Million car purchase subsidy