2. When repaying a commercial loan, you only need to transfer the repayment funds to the repayment account agreed with the lending institution on time on the repayment date. The general repayment date will be set on the day of lending. After the contract comes into effect, the repayment will be started in the next month, and will be paid in one installment in January.
3. Mortgage repayment methods mainly include: average capital repayment method: average capital repayment method divides the loan principal into equal amounts within the repayment period, and the amount of the loan principal returned every month is the same, with more interest in the early stage and less and less in the later stage.
4. Very good. The main advantage of peer-to-peer lending is that it is fast and convenient, and borrowers can easily obtain loans. Low threshold is different from bank loans. The threshold for online lending will be lower and no mortgage guarantee is needed. Safe and convenient, it can help users avoid a lot of trouble in the process of submitting loan materials.
5. This is not true. As of June 65438+February 65438+June 2022, Emerald Jinzhuang is an illegal business place, which is not protected by law and does not belong to the reliable scope. Yudai is a p2p online loan product under Shenzhen Qianhai Yudai Internet Financial Services Co., Ltd. ..