if you buy a house, you can't get a loan if the down payment is not enough. Down payment is the first payment when buying a house. When buying a house, you can't get a full loan. You have to pay part of it first and borrow the rest from the bank. Considering the repayment risk of the loan, the relevant departments will require the purchaser to provide a part of the down payment, that is, the individual will pay a part of the house payment in advance to prove the repayment ability.
Therefore, the borrower can fulfill the contract and always repay the principal and interest normally. There are no negative factors that affect the timely and full repayment of the loan principal and interest, and the bank is fully confident that the borrower can repay the loan principal and interest on time and in full.
generally speaking, for loans such as personal comprehensive consumption loans and personal credit loans, the conditions for applying for loans are largely based on the personal credit accumulation in the bank. When applying for loans, try to submit some materials that can increase credit, such as academic certificates and income certificates. The higher the credit accumulation, the greater the loan amount.
The content of this article comes from: China Law Publishing House's "All-knowing Series of Common Sense of Legal Life".