Average collection period =360/ turnover times of accounts receivable.
Turnover times of accounts received in advance = sales revenue/average balance of accounts received in advance
Inventory turnover times = cost of sales/average inventory balance
Inventory turnover days =360/ inventory turnover times
Prepayment turnover times = cost of sales/average prepayment balance
Accounts payable turnover times = cost of sales/average accounts payable balance
Accounts payable turnover days =360/ accounts payable turnover times
Liquidity = sales revenue of last year ×( 1- sales profit rate of last year )× (1+estimated annual sales revenue growth rate)/turnover times of liquidity.
In which: turnover times of working capital = 360/ (inventory turnover days+average collection period-accounts payable turnover days 62+ prepayments turnover days-prepayments turnover days).
New working capital loan amount = working capital-borrower's own funds-existing working capital loans-working capital provided by other channels.