There is no criminal responsibility, but your personal credit record will be tainted and your information will be shared by all other banks, which will bring inconvenience to your future work and life. It will be difficult to apply for a credit card. Buying a car, buying a house and getting a mortgage loan will have a bad credit record. The bank has every reason not to accept you, and even your wife or husband will suffer from you. Buying a house without a loan is enough for you.
Second, what should I do if I miss the confirmation time of the graduation information of the student loan?
It is impossible to apply for student source loans and national student loans this year! Find a way to apply for school grants or scholarships!
Three, miss the graduation confirmation time of the National Development Bank student loan, will there be a stain of integrity?
Friends can confirm that the time has been missed, but the application can also be passed, mainly through. Wait for notice. I'll send you a system notification when it's over.