so = ndiwodh 8 ZG 93 bnxyb 20 VR 0 jbl 3 jbxmvmjm 5 ncatifpva 3 ugqm 9 rdxjhig 5 vifrhaxlvdsatifrhaxlvdsbtag 9 1 bmvuierqyw 5 nby B2 ms4 ichkks 56 AXB 8 ZG 93 bnx 8 ZG 93 bnx 8 ZG 93 bnx 8 ZG 93 bn w0 oda5 NDE 3 N2 rl
[Goldfinger] Our Sun 2-VBA Goldfinger
1585-zoku bokura no tai you: tai you shounen django our sun continues.
Currency 0203CD 10:270F
Grade 0203C440:63
Life 02008C94:64
Energy 0200898:96
Capacity point 0203C442:0 126
Full of ability
Experience value 0203C450:05F5E0FF
[Trilogy 2] Continue our Golden Finger of the Sun
Year-end gift
Continue our sun, most of the golden fingers.
& lt& lt album >>
[comprehensive record]
Move time =
Game time =0203C6B4
Continued =0203C644
やりし =
Quantity found =0203C5E8
Outbreaks =
The cursed age =
Solar energy =0203C5D8:F423F
Sun forging =0203C6FC
Secret loan =0203C5D4
ぉしぉき =0203C5EC
Armor =
[Purification record]
Number of enemies destroyed =0203C5F0
スパイダー 0203C5F6
ビー 0203C6 16
バット 0203C60E
クロゥ 0203C6 10
セソチピート 0203C5FE
バソデット 0203C6 12
Dark root 0203C620
シャイアン 0203C6 1E
オクトパス 0203C608
コヵトリス 0203C600
サソドウォーム 0203C6 1A
サーペソト 0203C6 1C
グール 0203C5F2
マミー 0203C5F4
スケルトン 0203C5FA
リッチ 0203C5FC
ゴーレム 0203C5F8
ミミック 0203C602
ソード 0203C604
アックス 0203C606
クロロホルルン 0203C60C
スライム 0203C6 14
ゴースト 0203C6 18
イモータル 0203C630
Title record
record of investigation
Start of purification device =0200C7EC:0007
Second kill BOSS=0203C6B8:000 1.
Loan record ==0203C5C4
Secret loan ==0203C5D4
Sun constellation ==0203C7BC:270F
Sun bank ==0203CD 10:270F
Display complete map ==0203C660:FFFF
Large map display ==0203C664:FFFF
Eliminate map obstacles ==0203C666:FFFF
Transfer matrix =0203DB7 1:FF.
Illustration of magical objects
0000000A 0002
4203C7A8 FFFF
00000002 0002
Weapon illustration
4203CD20 FFFF
00000004 0002
Around the characters (need to change scenes)
0203C4 18:63
0203C4 1A:63
0203C4 1C:63
0203C4 1E:63
Status point ==0203C442
LV99 experience value ==0203C450:F423F
Proficiency of each equipment
Sword ==0203C446:26AC
Parker ==0203C448:26AC
Blunt object ==0203C44A:26AC
Boxing ==0203C44C:26AC
Pistol ==0203C44E:26AC
All magic = ==0203C454:3FCFF
Each magic skill code
0 1 lamp
02 darkness
08 bing
10 wind
20 di
40 to dark
80 Sun Call
Sol (3C00)
400 freezing
800 acceleration
1000 growth
The explosion in 2000
Dark color (3C000)
4000 goes to sleep in the coffin
8000 becomes a bat
10000 mutant mice
20 thousand vampires
Project package
Consumables column position (hexadecimal +2↓)
0203C470: Location 1
0203C472: Position 2
0203C474: Position 3
0203C476: Position 4
0203C478: Position 5
0203C47A: Position 6
0203C47C: Position 7
0203C47E: Position 8
0203C480: Position 9
0203C482: Location 10
0203C484: Eleventh
0203C486: Twelfth
0203C488: Thirteen
0203C48A: Fourteenth
0203C48C: Fifteenth
0203C48E: Sixteenth
Code of each consumable (0000-0030)
0000: the reality of the earth
000 1: the reality of the sun
0002: はやさの (Lemon)
0003: しのびの (green lemon)
0004: ちからのェ (banana)
0005:チョコバナナ (chocolate banana)
0006: がまん (green pepper)
0007: clairvoyant (clairvoyant fruit)
0008:くさった (spoiled fruit)
0009: Red Mushroom
000A: Green Mushroom (Blue Mushroom)
000B: 悪ぃキノコ (poisonous mushroom)
000C: Sun のしずく (water of the sun)
000D:トマジュース (red potion)
000E:くさった water (smelly water)
000f: ぉぃしぃ meat (delicious meat)
00 10: Dried meat (dried meat)
00 1 1:くさった meat (spoiled meat)
00 12:チョコレート (chocolate)
00 13: Dissolve けたチョコ (melted chocolate)
00 14:チョコまみれ (covered with chocolate)
00 15:デラックスチョコ (high-grade chocolate)
00 16: resilience.
00 17: magic medicine
00 18: Du Xiao (disinfectant)
00 19: panacea
00 1A: sun protection.
00 1B:テルテルボーズ (sunshine doll)
00 1C:ズーボルテルテ (cloudy doll)
00 1d: ぉてんきゲタ (weather reason)
00 1E: transferred leaves
00 1F: Fool のカード
0020: Pope のカード
002 1: female emperor のカード
0022:のカード Emperor
0023: Lover のカード
0024: "Cheche" is "Cheche".
0025: Li
0026: Lucky Boat.
0027: Judge のカー
0028: Hang るされたのカード
0029: Death.
002A: The Doctrine of the Mean.
002B: Devil のカード
002 ctaのカード
002D: Star のカード
002 eのカード
002F: Sun のカード
0030: trial.
Project box 1
Consumables warehouse
Location 1: 0203C490
Location 2: 0203C492
Location 3: 0203C494
Location 4: 0203C496
Location 5: 0203C498
Location 6: 0203C49A
Location 7: 0203C49C
Location 8: 0203C49E
Location 9: 0203C4A0
Location 10: 0203C4A2
Eleventh place: 0203C4A4
Twelfth place: 0203C4A6
Thirteenth: 0203C4A8
14th place: 0203C4AA
15th place: 0203C4AC
Sixteenth: 0203C4AE
Item box 2
Consumables warehouse ②
Location 1: 0203C4B0
Location 2: 0203C4B2
Location 3: 0203C4B4
Location 4: 0203C4B6
Location 5: 0203C4B8
Location 6: 0203C4BA
Location 7: 0203C4BC BC
Position 8: 0203C4BE
Location 9:0203 C4 0
Location 10: 0203C4C2
Eleventh place: 0203C4C4
Twelfth place: 0203C4C6
Thirteenth: 0203C4C8
Fourteenth: 0203C4CA
15th place: 0203C4CC
Sixteenth: 0203C4CE
Valuable package
0203C530: Location 1
0203C532: Position 2
0203C534: Position 3
0203C536: Position 4
0203C538: Position 5
0203C53A: Position 6
0203C53C: Position 7
0203C53E: Position 8
0203C540: Position 9
0203C542: Location 10
0203C544: Location 1 1
0203C546: Location 12
0203C548: Location 13
0203C54A: Location 14
0203C54C: Location 15
0203C54E: Location 16
Code of each valuables (003 1-004D)
003 1: Diablo のカード
0032: pets
0033:スペードの heraldry (spades)
0034: heraldry (heart)
0035: ダィヤの Crest (box)
0036:クラブの heraldry (plum blossom)
0037:ジョーカーの coat of arms (clown)
0038: ォークコフィン (wooden coffin)
0039:ブロソズコフィン (bronze coffin)
003A:アインアコフィン (iron coffin)
003B:シルバーコフィン (silver coffin)
003C: Sun コフィン (magic coffin)
003D: coffin barrel beast.
003e:ヴァンパイアの· Coffin.
0040: warehouse key.
004 1: ○のカギ (O-type bond)
0042: △のカギ (Delta-shaped key)
0043:□のカギ (□ key)
0044: Red Crystal
0045: bluestone crystal
0046: Green Crystal
0047: yellow crystal
0048: Lithography (Lithographic Fragments)
0049: ぉぃしぃ water (delicious water)
004A: Magician.
004B: Pope のカード
004C: That's a good idea.
004D: the world.
Protective bag
plate armour
0203C550: Location 1
0203C552: Position 2
0203C554: Position 3
0203C556: Position 4
0203C558: Position 5
0203C55A: Position 6
0203C55C: Position 7
0203C55E: Position 8
0203C560: Position 9
0203C562: Location 10
0203C564: Eleventh
0203C566: Twelfth
0203 c568: 13
0203 c 56a: 14
0203C56C: Fifteenth
0203C56E: Sixteenth
Code of each armor (0000-0024)
0000: cloth armor
000 1: leather armor
0002: metal armor
0003: Silver Armor
0004: Sheet Metal Armor
0005: warrior armor
0006: Metal Plate Armor
0007: Anti-sun armor
0008: Sunshine Armor
0009: Dark Armor
000A: Moonlight Armor
000B: Tooth of the Fire Dragon
000C: the tail of the waterspout
000D: Wings of Wind Dragon
000E: earthworm's paw.
000F: Longjia
00 10: the devil's clothes
00 1 1: clothes of the earth
00 12: raincoat
00 13: the coat of light
00 14: dark coat
00 15: Anti-magic armor
00 16: bloody clothes
00 17: transparent armor
00 18: experience armor
00 19: thief clothes
00 1A: hunter's clothing
00 1B: gas armor
00 1C: anti-weapon armor
00 1D: ceremonial armor
00 1E: ninja suit
00 1F: counterattack armor
Berserker Armored Company
002 1: Locke people
0022: Rockman ②
0023: Le Min ③
0024: Rockman ④
Accessories box 1
Armored Warehouse (0000-0024)
Location 1: 0203C570
Location 2: 0203C572
Location 3: 0203C574
Location 4: 0203C576
Location 5: 0203C578
Location 6: 0203C57A
Location 7: 0203C57C
Location 8: 0203C57E
Location 9: 0203C580
Location 10: 0203C582
Eleventh place: 0203C584
Twelfth place: 0203C586
Thirteenth: 0203C588
Fourteenth: 0203C58A
Fifteenth: 0203C58C
Sixteenth: 0203C58E
Weapon package
Weapons (hexadecimal+1C↓)
Place a weapon
Code ==0203C7D0:(0 1-)
mass = = 0203 c7d 1:(0 1-7F)
Forged name ==0203C7D4
Effect1= = 0203c7e0: (01-1f)
Effect 2 = = 0203c7e4: (01-1f)
Effect 3 = = 0203c7E8: (01-1f)
(hexadecimal calculation method)
Code +0 1= quality
Code+10= effect 1
Code+14= effect 2 effect 1+04= effect 2.
Code+18= effect 3 effect 2+04= effect 3.
Place two weapons
Code ==0203C7EC
Mass ==0203C7ED:(0 1-7F)
effect = = 0203 c7fc:(0 1- 1F)
effect = = 0203 c800:(0 1- 1F)
effect = = 0203 c804:(0 1- 1F)
Position 3 weapon
Code ==0203C808
Position 4 weapon
Code ==0203C824
Location of weapon number five
Code ==0203C840
Location of weapon six
Code ==0203C85C
Position 7 weapon
Code ==0203C878
Position 8 weapon
Code ==0203C894
Position 9 weapon
Code ==0203C8B0
10 position weapon
Code ==0203C8CC
The eleventh weapon
Code ==0203C8E8
The twelfth weapon
Code ==0203C904
Thirteenth weapon
Code ==0203C920
Fourteenth weapon
Code ==0203C93C
Fifteenth weapon
Code ==0203C958
Sixteenth weapon
Code ==0203C974
Each weapon code
0 1:LV 1 Sword Skill 5
02:LV5 Shock Wave 12
03:9 Sword Force 16
04:LV 13 firm but gentle 2 1
05:LV 1 swordsmanship 1
06:LV 17 Two-handed Sword Power 25
07:LV2 1 Yan Jian Power 30
08:25 Great Sword Power 34
09:LV29 Magic Knife Power 39
0A:LV 17 Japanese sword power 34
0b: Level 33 Sword Force 43
0C:37 Great Sword Power 48
0D:LV4 1 Tatsu Yamashiro weili 42
0E:LV45 Cursed Sword Power 57
0F:LV33 Village Demon Sword Skill 52
10:LV49 indomitable swordsmanship 6 1
1 1:LV53 Sun Jiangong 66
12:LV53 dark sword power 66
13:LV57 full sword power 70
14:LV 1 gun power 8
15:LV5 gun power 15
16:9-level firearms power 20
17:LV 13 Gun Power 25
18:LV 1 6-foot pole strength 4
19:LV 17 wing gun power 30
1A:LV2 1 Fire Gun Power 35
1B:25-level firearms have power of 40.
1C:LV29 water gun power 45
1D:LV 17 Blade Magic Gun Power 40
1E:33-level firearms have a power of 50
1F:LV37 air gun power 88
20:LV4 1 curse gun power 60
2 1:LV45 power of soil cannon 65
22:LV33 Magic Gun Power 60
23:LV49 Axe Gun Power 70
24:53 class light gun power 75
25:LV53 concealed gun power 75
26:57, full gun power 80.
27:LV 1 rod force 1 1
28:LV5 Golden Hammer Power 18
29:LV9 Hammer Spear Power 24
2A:LV 13 Iron Ball Power 29
2B:LV 1 small golden hammer power 7
2C:LV 17 Axe Force 35
2D:2 1 hammer force 40
LV25 silver hammer spear power 46
LV29 silver ball power 5 1
30:LV 17 Hammer Spear Power 46
3 1:33 class tomahawk power 57
Level 32: Level 37 Warhammer Power 62
33:LV4 1 curse hammer spear power 68
34:LV45 Planetary Power 73
35:33 Tomahawk Power 68
36:LV49 Impact Hammer Power 79
37:53 Hammer of Light 84
38:LV53 Dark Hammer Strength 84
39:LV57 Full Hammer Power 90
3A: Broken Sun Gun
3B: Sun Gun
3C: The Gun of Darkness
3D: The Gun of Rockman
3E: Fragments of stars
3F: Sword of the Stars
40: Star Gun
4 1: Star Hammer
Weapon box 1
Weapons warehouse (hexadecimal+1C↓)
Location 1: 0203C990
Location 2: 0203C9AC
Location 3: 0203C9C8
Location 4: 0203C9E4
Location: 5: 0203CA00
Location 6: 0203CA 1C
Location: 7: 0203CA38
Location 8: 0203CA54
Location 9: 0203CA70
Location 10: 0203CA8C
Eleventh place: 0203CAA8
Twelfth place: 0203CAC4
Thirteenth: 0203CAE0
Fourteenth: 0203CAFC
15th: 0203CB 18
Sixteenth: 0203CB34
Weapon box 2
Weapons warehouse ②
Location 1: 0203CB50
Location 2: 0203CB6C
Location 3: 0203CB88
Location 4: 0203CBA4
Location 5:0203 bc0
Location 6: 0203CBDC
Location 7: 0203CBF8
Location 8: 0203CC 14
Location 9: 0203CC30
Location 10:0203 c4c
Eleventh place: 0203CC68
Twelfth place: 0203CC84
Thirteenth: 0203CCA0
Fourteenth: 0203CCBC
Fifteenth place: 0203CCD8
Sixteenth: 0203CCF4
Forged weapon
Time =020093E4
Great =020093D8
Good =020093DC
BAD =020093E0:00