One: Pay off the loan in various ways and obtain the real estate license.
If the seller is unable to pay off the remaining loan first, he can ask friends and relatives around him for help first, go through the mortgage cancellation and transfer procedures after the loan is paid off, and then return the money from selling the house to friends and relatives, which is convenient and quick.
Two: pay off the bank loan with the down payment paid by the buyer.
This method is the most widely used method with high safety factor, which is very suitable for homeowners who have paid off most of their loans, have less rest time or have a low loan amount.
In the second-hand housing transaction, the buyer is usually willing to pay 30%-40% of the house price as a down payment, so that the seller can use the money to pay off the bank loan, and then cancel the mortgage registration and go through the transfer procedures.
Three: transfer the mortgage to the person who wants to buy a house.
The homeowner can apply to the bank for loan change and transfer the mortgage to the buyer. But this method has great limitations, and only a few banks can handle it. The seller had better consult the loan bank first.
As long as you have a real estate license, you can sell the house even if the mortgage is not paid off. If you want to sell your house within the repayment period, you should pay attention to choosing the right method and solve all kinds of problems smoothly.