You did not clearly explain the reason for the loan. If you are buying a house with a loan, you can say: Thank you, mentor, for your concern and care for me over the years. Without you, I would not be where I am today (highlighting his importance). Here, mentor students toast you. (Drink deeper), and then say: I wonder how everything is going with my mentor now, (cut to the topic), after you finish talking, if he asks you how you are doing now, just say: student is worried about the loan to buy a house, I don’t know if my mentor can help me find a solution. If he doesn’t ask you how you are doing now, just say: Hey (sigh). I hope everything goes well, mentor. Don’t be like a student who is worried about buying a house loan. Here, I would like to propose a toast to you. . (Drink deeper) By the way, mentor, can you help me find a way?