There are two kinds of lending. One is to borrow the new and repay the old, that is, an individual or enterprise applies to the bank before the loan expires, and then applies to the bank for a new loan to repay the old loan after the bank agrees. The other is the channel of housing loan, that is, the original borrower of housing loan transfers the loan under his name to the buyer who has paid the down payment to himself.
Then can we borrow money from banks? The answer is yes. Inter-bank transfer can be handled at the bank counter; If it is an inter-bank transfer in the same city, it can generally be received in real time. If it is a cross-bank transfer from different places, it will generally arrive within 2 hours. When transferring money between banks, you need to fill in the payee, bank, account number and other information accurately. Inter-bank transfer at the bank counter requires a handling fee, and different banks charge different fees. You can call the bank for details. For example, China Construction Bank will charge a handling fee of less than 5,000 yuan for inter-bank transfer through the counter, and 2 yuan will charge a handling fee of 10000 yuan from 5,000 yuan. In this way, the cost of transferring money through the bank counter is higher. In addition to inter-bank transfer at the bank counter, you can also use ATM machines, mobile banking, online banking and so on. And you can enjoy a certain discount through these channels, generally 50% off the bank counter; It should be noted that it takes 24 hours to get the account by using ATM to transfer money across banks.