2. Have a bad credit record, which will affect future loans and credit card processing. Every day after you are overdue, your name will appear in the internal system of the bank at the same time, and then the president and risk control will see it. After the deadline, the credit report will inevitably leave a bad record. Once left, it may be kept for three to seven years. If you want to borrow from other banks in the future, you may not be able to apply easily because of bad credit. If the overdue situation is serious, the mortgage and car loan will be affected in the future. Penalty interest is only the loss of money, while bad credit records are the loss of intangible assets, and the impact is irreparable by money.
3. You can't enjoy preferential loans or even apply for loans. In addition to the penalty interest of overdue mortgage repayment, it may not be possible to obtain the preferential interest rate of bank mortgage smoothly. What's more, it is impossible to apply for a mortgage.
4. Being blacklisted, children can't go to key schools. For some "Lao Lai" who deliberately delay bank debts, they will be blacklisted. So that you can't fly, high-speed rail, accommodation, etc. ; More seriously, children will not be able to go to key schools; There will be more punishments in the future, so it can be said that life is hard.
5. Affect your career. For students who have been studying in loans overdue for more than 90 consecutive days and the circumstances are serious, the bank or school will publish the ID number and overdue information in the media, or notify the work unit. Banks will sue those who owe money maliciously or intentionally. If it is overdue for 90 days in a row and can be remedied in time and repaid on time, the credit level will not be greatly affected.