1. Before repaying the loan in advance, to inquire about the remaining loan amount, call the hotline of the provident fund management center and enter part of the prepayment amount according to the voice prompt. Then, the user brings his ID card to the local provident fund management center to apply for the prepayment amount.
2. The user chooses to fill in the application form according to the repayment amount. For full repayment, fill in the Application Form for Early Repayment of Housing Provident Fund Loan of Housing Provident Fund Management Center, and for partial repayment, fill in the Application Form for Early Repayment of Housing Provident Fund Loan of Housing Provident Fund Management Center, which shall be signed and sealed by the staff and provide corresponding materials;
3. Next, transfer the applicant's application to the corresponding entrusted bank for approval;
4. After the approval of the bank, it is followed by the approval of the housing provident fund management center;
5. After receiving the notice of successful approval, the applicant can go to the bank to repay the repayment amount and interest of the application;
6. After the prepayment is successful, the user needs to submit the prepayment form to the local housing provident fund management center for the record.
Conditions to be met when applying for prepayment:
1. The prepayment amount (principal) of the provident fund must be greater than or equal to 10% of the loan balance and greater than or equal to 10000 yuan;
2. The cumulative number of partial repayment in advance cannot exceed 5 times, including: the number of partial repayment in cash and the number of regular repayment of corporate loans;
3. For corporate loans with partial repayment in advance on a regular basis, they must be repaid monthly for more than 6 months; Repay corporate loans in full in advance, and must be repaid monthly for more than 6 months;
4. If the balance in the provident fund account is used for repayment, a joint card of the master lender's provident fund is also required. (If you need to withdraw your spouse's direct provident fund, you need to provide your spouse's ID card, marriage certificate and spouse's joint provident fund card);
5. The principal lender or spouse can handle it. If the spouse comes to apply, he/she must bring the original ID card and marriage certificate of both husband and wife; After partial repayment, the repayment will be made in full and on time every month according to the new repayment plan.
To sum up, before repaying the loan in advance, you should inquire about the remaining loan amount, call the hotline of the provident fund management center, and input part of the prepayment amount according to the voice prompt. Then, the user brings his ID card to the local provident fund management center to apply for the prepayment amount. Eligible borrowers apply to the original loan management department for shortening the repayment period with their ID cards, original loan contracts or IOUs.
Legal basis:
Article 26 of the Regulations on the Management of Housing Provident Fund
Workers who have paid housing provident fund can apply for housing provident fund loans to the housing provident fund management center when purchasing, building, renovating or overhauling their own houses.
The housing provident fund management center shall make a decision on whether to grant loans within 15 days from the date of accepting the application, and notify the applicant; Where a loan is granted, the entrusted bank shall go through the loan formalities.
The risk of housing provident fund loans shall be borne by the housing provident fund management center.