You don't need mine. Usually, after the loan is paid off, the main lender will repay the loan. If the main lender can't come to the scene, you need to notarize and entrust others to help you. And you need to make an appointment in advance when you repay the loan. You can make an appointment by phone. Remember to transfer the loan amount to the bank card in advance when repaying, and then bring the ID card of the main lender, the bank card for repayment, property certificate and loan contract to the bank for processing.
What are the repayment methods of loans?
(1) Equal principal and interest repayment method: equal repayment every month, the sum of loan principal and interest. Most banks have adopted this method for housing provident fund loans and commercial personal housing loans. So the monthly repayment amount is the same;
(2) average capital repayment method: that is, the borrower distributes the loan amount to each period (month) evenly throughout the repayment period and pays off the loan interest from the previous trading day to the repayment date. In this way, the monthly repayment amount decreases month by month;
(3) Paying interest and principal on a monthly basis: that is, the borrower repays the loan principal in one lump sum on the loan maturity date (applicable to loans with a term of less than one year (including one year)), and the loan bears interest on a daily basis and the interest is repaid on a monthly basis;
(4) Repay part of the loan in advance: that is, the borrower can repay part of the loan amount in advance when applying to the bank, which is generally an integer multiple of 65,438+0,000 or 65,438+0,000. After repayment, the lending bank will issue a new repayment plan, and the repayment amount and repayment period will change, but the repayment method will remain unchanged, and the new repayment period shall not exceed the original loan period.
(5) prepayment of all loans: that is, the borrower can repay all the loan amount in advance when applying to the bank, and the loan bank will terminate the borrower's loan at this time after repayment and handle the corresponding cancellation procedures.
(6) Pay back as you borrow: interest is calculated on a daily basis after borrowing, and interest is calculated on a daily basis. You can pay the money in one lump sum at any time without any penalty.
Prepayment is generally divided into two ways: partial prepayment and full prepayment.
According to the different repayment methods, the borrower can choose to reduce the term or amount. It is understood that at present, most banks can provide five ways to repay loans in advance for customers to choose from.
First, all loans are repaid in advance, that is, customers pay off all remaining loans at one time.
Second, a part of the loan will be repaid in advance, and the monthly repayment amount of the remaining loan will remain unchanged, thus shortening the repayment cycle.
Third, repay some loans in advance, reduce the monthly repayment amount of the remaining loans, and keep the repayment period unchanged.
Fourth, repay some loans in advance, reduce the monthly repayment amount of the remaining loans and shorten the repayment cycle.
Fifth, the remaining loans keep the total principal unchanged and only shorten the repayment period.
Financial experts suggest that when repaying in advance, the principal should be reduced as much as possible, the loan term should be shortened and the interest should be paid less.
Do I need to pay off the bank housing loan in advance?
1. prepayment means that the borrower applies to the bank to repay part of his loan in advance, and guarantees that it will not be overdue last month and the loan will be repaid in the current month; Pay off all or part of the loan in one lump sum according to the date stipulated by the bank.
2. Precautions for advance payment:
First of all, you must ask the requirements for repaying the loan in advance.
If the borrower wants to repay in advance, he must repay for more than half a year, or even individual banks require repayment for more than one year. Banks generally require borrowers to submit written or telephone applications 15 working days in advance. After the bank receives the borrower's application for early repayment, it needs to be examined and approved, so it usually takes about one month. In addition, banks have different requirements for repaying loans in advance. For example, some banks stipulate that repayment in advance is an integer multiple of 1 0,000, and some banks need to charge a certain penalty.
Second, prepayment documents need to be prepared.
If the borrower needs to repay the loan in advance, he should generally apply by phone or in writing and go through the examination and approval formalities at the bank with his ID card and loan contract. If it is a borrower who has settled all the balance, after the bank calculates the remaining loan amount, it is convenient for the borrower to save enough money to repay the loan in advance. If it is a customer or owner of the sub-mortgage business, it is best to find a professional guarantee institution to do entrusted notarization to avoid the risk that the owner will increase the price after the owner repays in advance, and the customer will not buy it or use the down payment to help the owner pay off the final payment.
Third, don't forget to surrender and lift the mortgage when repaying the loan in advance.
After the lender settles all the final payment in advance, the bank will issue a settlement certificate. The borrower can call the relevant insurance company with the original loan settlement certificate, the original policy and the original invoice issued by the bank to make an appointment to surrender. When the borrower applies for a loan, the bank will register the mortgage. After the customer settles the loan, don't forget to understand the mortgage. The borrower should bring the real estate license, settlement certificate and other rights certificate mortgaged in the bank to the office of the District Construction Committee to understand the mortgage situation. In this way, your own property can be completely your own property.
Fourth, not everyone is the most suitable to repay the loan in advance.
Compared with the current CPI, the 30% interest rate of the loan customers who have signed the contract can be said to be very low. The capital utilization cost of these property buyers is very low, and it is not recommended to repay the loan in advance.
Do I have to go to the bank to repay the loan in person?
You don't have to go to the bank in person to repay the loan, you can let someone else do it. In addition, there are many ways to repay the loan:
1. Use online bank transfer for repayment;
2. Use mobile banking to transfer and repay;
3. Use Alipay, Tenpay and other third parties to pay for transfer and repayment;
4. Repay at the ATM.