If you want to repay the loan in advance, you must call the customer service phone of the handling bank. After making an appointment, you can take your ID card, repayment bank card and other related materials to the counter of the business outlet of the handling bank near your work and residence to go through the prepayment procedures within the agreed time.
At that time, you only need to deposit the money you need in the bank card, and the bank will automatically deduct it from you. Note that you can't pay in advance without making a reservation in advance. Usually, the appointment time should be one week in advance. If you don't deposit the money in advance, your loan this month will be deducted automatically, and you won't be deducted another point.
In addition, some banks also have restrictions on the time of prepayment. If they can't pay off on time (usually one year), the penalty will be a lot.
Advance payment instruction
1. Ask the bank: Different banks have different regulations on prepayment, so before deciding to prepay, consumers should know the bank's business process and whether to pay liquidated damages.
2. Don't forget to cancel the mortgage: When the borrower pays off all the loans in advance, the original mortgage and home insurance contract will be terminated in advance. According to the relevant laws and regulations, the borrower can apply to the insurance company for a monthly refund of the premium paid with the original insurance policy and prepaid loan certificate.
Don't forget the tax refund: Also, don't forget to go to the tax bureau for tax refund. When buying a commercial house, all households who should be refunded should be written into the purchase contract as the property owner. After signing the contract and paying the house price, you should immediately apply for "deducting the personal income tax paid by the buyer" and obtain my "general tax payment book". You can obtain a certificate of immovable property after advance payment, and report to the tax authorities within six months after handling the certificate of immovable property ownership.
4. Grasp the repayment time: For consumers who use the repayment method of equal principal and interest, the monthly repayment includes principal and interest. During the loan period from 1/3 to 1/2 years, the lender paid off more interest every month than the principal, but in the last year, the monthly interest rate was mainly the principal, and the interest was very low. Therefore, if the 15 loan has been repaid for six years, there is no need to prepay it now. Consumers can invest their surplus money in funds, stocks or other investment projects to increase their value;
5. Contact the bank in advance: among the methods of prepayment, the most important thing is to shorten the repayment time. Therefore, property buyers should shorten the loan period as much as possible according to their actual situation when repaying loans in advance. In addition, at present, many banks in the province have imposed strict restrictions on loans, some even set minimum repayment limits, and some even charge liquidated damages. Therefore, if customers want to repay the loan in advance at the end of the year, they should first consult the bank to see if they can book in advance to avoid unnecessary interest expenses.